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First of all congratulation starting a food business. In food business menu planning designing recipe standardization and costing is the main part of food business.
First of all I would like to sincerely thank you visiting on our website reading more about our menu planning, recipe development, costing and other food Consultancy Services.
From last 20 years I am writing menu for hotels restaurants in India and out of India I have my expert is into restaurant menu planning for hotels restaurants catering companies and special events.
I have simplify this consultancy for everyone. I have segregate this menu planning Consulting into 3 sections and category.
1. Menu planning consultancy- creating food concept
Stealing menu items from other restaurant is the easiest way for many restaurant owners creating drafting their food menu. Our ways very different first of all we understand the geographical people behaviors and data and create a food Concept for your food business. In which we introduce 60% of food items in the menu which people want to buy. And 40% of food menu which you want to do in a professionally way.
I hope this is very clear to you.
2.Menu planning consultancy- drafting menu items
Myself involved create unique recipes for your restaurant along with food costing and recipes training programs. In which myself and my team visit to a restaurant and provide training of Mani food items to your cooks.
3.Menu planning consultancy- staffing menu items
If you are a new startup and you do not have any idea from where you need to recruit restaurant staff we provide you stop recruitment consultancy. We find best people for you
4. Menu planning consultancy- sales marketing and publicity
Because I have involve my name in your business it is my moral duty that people should know about my food in your locality so I am going to do published of my menu at my own cost. That is complementary for you.
So this is the menu planning services I am providing all India cities from last many years.
Now you must be thinking about what will fees for the work . For this let us talk with each other my email address phone numbers below on the website you can contact thank you very much for reading about our restaurant menu planning consultancy the one guarantee I will give you people who visit your restaurant will say wow it's a beautiful fantastic tasty food restaurant menu.
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